Oh, god.

I shouldn't be doing this.

really shouldn't be doing this.

But here I am, doing it.

Well, besides not knowing what I'm doing, I hope you guys enjoy the first two chapters of Refractory Dust! Don't question the title. Just don't.

Anyway, I know that I should probably just put this on some kind of fanfiction/story writing site instead, but that wouldn't be enough. There's a lot of stuff to find here, or, at least, there will be. Especially in the places most people wouldn't think to look. So, I needed a little more flexibility than the amount other websites give you. So, I'm putting it here! I know there isn't much to it yet, but just be patient! There'll be more coming soon! (to be honest, probably not soon. Probably in a few years. I don't know, but please don't make me write more. I'm too lazy for that.)

Hope you enjoy!


Refractory Dust.zip 707 bytes
Dec 10, 2017

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